Fast digital links
Stimulate & validate your com. links
The communication links between components or systems are getting faster.
These speeds can reach more than 10Gb / s on optical fiber or copper media. It is more and more complex to validate the data exchanges between the different computers in your systems.
The use of FPGA components and COTS cards allow us to address these issues.
Arcale has carried out various projects allowing you:
To generate complex data scenarios,
To synchronize the generation between different protocols more or less fast,
To record the activity on these links including the possibility of filtering messages via masks,
Analyze the data sent or received.
We can support this non-exhaustive list of protocols depending on the material:
- 1 Gbit Ethernet,
- 10 Gbit Ethernet,
- AURORA 8b / 10b,
- AURORA 64b / 66b,
- Serial RapidIO.
Typical applications:
- Verification / Stimulation of ECU communication links
- Spy on computer communications links
- ECU functional check
- HIL Environmental simulation
- Radar
- Aeronautics
- Space
- Transport